Dickenson County Chamber of Commerce

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2020 Census Facts

Did you know that Census data is used to determine how more than $675B in federal funding is allocated for programs like school breakfasts and lunches? Be counted. Complete your #2020 Census today by visiting: 2020Census.gov #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia

This year for the first time-ever, YOU can complete your Census online at 2020Census.gov, via phone by calling 844-330-2020, or by mail. Don’t wait. Complete your #2020Census today. #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia

Census data is used to bring important resources like Community Development Block Grants (CBDGs) to Virginia communities. Don’t leave our community behind. Complete your #2020Census today by visiting: 2020Census.gov. #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia

The Census is a population count of every person living in the United States of America and the data collected is used to determine where schools will be built and other resources allocated. Help bring resources back to Virginia communities. Complete the #2020Census today #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia

Here are the #2020Census Quick Facts.

1. The Census is a population count of every person living in the United States of America regardless of citizenship status.

2. Only 1 Census form should be completed per household and the 2020 Census includes only 10 questions.

3. Data from the Census is used to determine how more than $675B in federal funding is allocated for programs school breakfasts and the National School Lunch Program, Medicaid and Medicare (Part B), Federal Student Loans and Pell Grants, WIC, SNAP, TANF, and more.

4. The Census is CONFIDENTIAL AND DOES NOT ASK FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION such as your political affiliation, SSN, or bank account information.

5. You can complete the census by mail, online at 2020Census.gov or via phone in 13 different languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Japanese by calling 844-330-2020. #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia

Did you know that you can text “PLEDGE” or “CENSO” to 804-203-0393 for #2020Census reminders and updates? That’s right! Don’t wait. Text your questions today. #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia

Did you know that Virginia has a #2020Census Help Desk? That’s right! Visit, census.virginia.gov (and look for the red circular icon) to ask your questions. #2020Census #VACompleteCount #CountOnVirginia


The Census is a U.S. Constitution mandated population count of every person living in the United States of America. It is conducted every 10 years (or decennial) and the data collected helps determine how more than $675B in federal funding is allocated. Additionally, the Census determines how many seats each state will receive in the United States House of Representatives.

Here are the TOP 10 Things You Need to Know About the Census:

1. The Census is a population count of every person living in the United States of America.

2. The first Census was conducted in 1790 and a Census has been conducted every 10 years (or decennial) since.

3. Census data is used to determine how more than $675B in federal funding is allocated. This includes programs such as Medicaid, Medicare (Part B), SNAP, WIC, TANF, Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, Pell Grants and Federal Student Loans.

4. Census data is used to determine how many seats each state will receive in the United States House of Representatives.

5. In 2020, for the first time, you can complete the Census online, by phone, or by mail.

6. By law, all Census responses are completely confidential and your information cannot be shared with law enforcement. Additionally, the Census will not ask for your SSN, bank account, political affiliation, or citizenship status. Your responses are protected by law and will only be used for statistical purposes.

7. Everyone, including children ages 0-5 and undocumented residents should complete the Census.

8. You must complete the Census form in its entirety.  If you do not, it is likely that a Census taker will visit your home to get the remaining information.

9. It will take you approximately 10 minutes or the time it takes to enjoy your morning coffee to complete the Census.

10. The 2020 Census is now underway.