Presenting large business of the year to TCS Marzie Fleming Chamber board and Rita Surratt to Amanda Davis, The Country Store Manager and Nathaniel Owens, Manager, Total Car Service and Brandon Deel.

Presenting Longevity Award to Haysi Funeral Home, Chamber board members, Jason Deel, Judy Compton, Marzie Fleming, Carl Mullins, and Rita Surratt presenting to Patsy Barton, Janet Hillman, Shane Hillman, Carol Duty, and Rocky Barton.

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Chamber Board Marzie Fleming, Rita Surratt presenting to Clintwood Farm and Garden 202 Medium Business of the Year to Kevin Phillips, Store Manager, and Charlie Hawkins.


Presenting 2020 Small Business of the Year to Got Donuts, Peggy and Daris Anderson, with Rita Surratt presenting award.


New Business of the Year- Thunder River Campground pic left to right- Marzie Fleming, Judy Compton, Melody Hill, Julian Hill, Brad Hill, Josie Hill, Reva Hill, Rita Surratt, Carl Mullins, and Jason Deel.
